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World Heart Day – Healthy Heart

A healthy heart pushes out more blood with each beat, enabling it to function more efficiently. This decreases stress on the heart and surrounding arteries, potentially reducing blood pressure.

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Why should one care about their heart?

The heart is the first organ developed in the body at the 5thweek of pregnancy. A complete foetal heart is developed by 10th week. It may be possible to hear the heartbeat of an embryo from the fifth week. Death due to cardiac issues is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide.

Unhealthy heart

When you have an unhealthy heart, you may show few of these symptoms:

– Chest discomfort*

– Nausea

– Indigestion

– Heartburn

– Radiating pain to the arm*

– Dizziness

– Radiating pain to throat or jaw*

– Unusual exhaustion

– Gasping or choking or unusual loud snoring

– Unusual sweating*

– Cough

– Swollen legs, feet and ankles

– Irregular heart beat

– Shortness of breath

When you have any of these complaints, never ignore. Do consult a physician as soon as possible and get clarified.

*star marked symptoms are the alarming signs when you should call an ambulance immediately.

Few tips to keep your heart healthy

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Healthy foods for a healthy cardiac system includes:

Green leafy vegetables rich in vitamins especially Vitamin K (protects arteries and promotes proper blood flow), Nitrates (helps lower BP) and Minerals.

Antioxidants which helps in keeping your heart healthy and young. Antioxidant rich foods are green apples, avacados, indian gooseberry, curcumin, etc.

Whole grains like whole wheat, brown rice, oats, barley.  These are rich in fibre which helps to lower LDL.

Berries like strawberry,  blueberry, blackberry, raspberry. Their antioxidants helps to reduce stress.

Fish and fish oil.

Walnuts which are rich in fibre and micronutrient like magnesium, copper, manganese.

Beans starch content helps to lower the triglycerides and cholesterol.

Tomatoes which has lycopene helps to reduce risks of heart attack and stroke.

Almonds – Rich in vitamins minerals, monosaturated fatty acids and fibre.

Garlic – Allicin in garlic lowers blood pressure, LDL, total cholesterol, blood clots, stroke.

Olive oil – Rich in antioxidants and monosaturated fatty acids.

Green tea – Helps to burn fat and improve insulin level and antioxidant.

You can also consult a nutritionist to get your diet recommendations.

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– Brisk walking

– Running

– Swimming

– Cycling

– Playing tennis

– Skipping rope

– Yoga and meditation

It is always wise to consult a professional regarding physical exercises and yoga. They can customise your exercise chart.

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– Smoking

– Alcohol

– Oily food

– Processed foods

– Too much of salt and sugar

– Excesses of carbohydrates

– Mental Stress

– Sleeplessness


Eat healthy, stay fit, avoid stress and have regular health check-ups to avoid heart diseases.

Let the beating heart continue to beat healthily.

Happy World Heart Day!

Author: Dr. Manasa

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